Tuesday Writing Prompt Challenge: Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Devereaux Frazier and Beth Amanda are currently hosting the Tuesday Writing Prompt Challenge which was started by our star writer Christine Ray. We hope to offer all of you something that will spark your creativity and willingness to participate.

The prompts are designed to be quick challenges that can be written in 10 to 15minutes,  inspire you creatively, are fun, and get everyone interacting.  Please post your response to the prompt in the comments below and show your fellow posters some love and support.  All members of the Go Dog Go community, including Baristas, are welcome to participate.  Feel free to share this post on your own blogs and/or Facebook.

Today’s prompt: Write anything around the theme or words: Trapped in my ancient fear

42 thoughts on “Tuesday Writing Prompt Challenge: Tuesday, October 1, 2019

  1. Here is my attempt for today’s’ prompt:

    Trapped in my ancient fear

    Those languid branches of the wild oak
    pickled in the snow
    are riddled with the worries
    of the harsh winters

    Deep in its thoughts
    of unspoken fear
    of the flight or the fight
    I sit here,
    near the window sill of my old apartment
    giving it a second chance
    to scrape away
    those sullen memories off my mind

    which has cast an impression all these years
    the unexplained trepidation which sits neatly in the folds
    of my mind
    knotted with the worries of you leaving the threshold
    and never looking back

    I’m trapped in my ancient fear
    of days soaked in my tears
    in my heaving bosom
    when love leaves and never returns.

    –Megha Sood

    Liked by 10 people

  2. Pingback: Ancient fear – Megha's World

  3. Pingback: Solitary – Musings of a Soul Eclectic

  4. Trapped

    I can hear the flies buzzing
    so I think I must have died
    In life I could shoo them away
    open a window
    to persuade them through,
    though usually they were
    too stupid
    to grasp the chance of freedom
    offered and escape.
    Now there is no window to be
    We’re trapped in this closed space
    with only our fears,
    our most ancient fears
    for company.
    Eternal night.
    No possibility
    of freedom,
    or escape.
    Not for me.
    Not for them.

    Lynn White

    Liked by 9 people

  5. taking a turn…

    expanding the walls
    allowing for deeper breaths
    and a head that’s clear

    it’s not scary out there
    but remaining penned inside my head
    has me trapped in my ancient fear

    remaining unnoticed seems important
    quietly escaping as a way to cope
    seeking anywhere but here

    Liked by 8 people

  6. Pingback: Sanctuary? – I Write Her

  7. Pingback: Trapped In My Ancient Fear | Padre's Ramblings

  8. Leslie was trapped in her own house. At least till the buzzer on the dryer buzzed.
    Her mother had said once, and it stuck, “Don’t ever leave the house without clean underwear on, what if you are in an accident?”.

    Well, anyway, that’s my take.

    Liked by 6 people

  9. Pingback: Trapped In My Ancient Fear | Does writing excuse watching?

  10. Pingback: Words of Wisdom | TedBook

  11. Pingback: Never Play Cards With a Man Called Doc – tnkerr-Writing Prompts and Practice

  12. Pingback: Tuesday Writing Prompt Challenge- October 1, 2019 – Keep it alive

  13. Pingback: Tuesday Writing Prompt Challenge – Novas Namaste 365 Online

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