Wednesday Chats with Stephen at the Go Dog Go Cafe, January 29th

Happy mid-week Baristas and Guests! I would like to introduce a new feature at the Go Dog Go Cafe where I chat about the going’s on at the Cafe and other things on my mind about writing and the future of the Cafe.

First of all, I am thrilled at what this place has become since Christine and I began it a couple of years ago. It has met my primary goal of creating a positive environment that I lacked when I began writing as a young 15-year-old boy in New Hampshire. I love the interaction we get on Promote Yourself Monday (PYM) and would love to see an increase in activity on our Tuesday Writing Prompt Challenge and Promote a Poet/Writer Thursday. So pop over there and share your favorite bloggers or type up a quick one to get the juices flowing for the day/week.

On that note, I have introduced the idea of a Level Up Writing Challenge over at Fullbeard Lit that takes the Go Dog Go Cafe challenge, marries it to challenges from my co-founder Christine, our Barista Eugi, and a frequent guest Sadie. I hope this idea takes hold and gets you all energized, engaged with other great writers around the community, and, of course, writing great stuff. If you have a prompt at your website you would like me to feature in future weeks or know of a great one, please post a link in the comments below.

As we continue to take the 2020 road, we will be introducing a new month-long workshop feature on Saturdays that will be more focused on prose and utilize some of the great writing books out there. Aside from including a little more prose, I have long wanted the Cafe to have a On-line Workshop feature to help and encourage newer writers, perhaps help us old salts learn new tricks, and most importantly get a good dialog going between writers of all experience levels about the passion we share for writing. More to follow on this over the course of February as the plan comes together.

Finally, I want to encourage you to explore my Into My Own series at my personal site. As these posts unfold, a deeper explanation of the reasons behind the genesis of the Go Dog Go Cafe will emerge. The bottom line for me is this: as a young poet I met with what Steven Pressfield labels Resistance in his great book War of Art (HIGHLY recommended to every creative out there). I wanted this community to be a place where creatives can build an army to defeat that resistance and be excited to show up everyday to that blank page and just write.

Stay awhile, scroll around, write, Write, WRITE and share your thoughts in the comments below!

— Stephen

P.S. PYMs get consolidated at: Promote Yourself Monday at the Go Dog Go Cafe

25 thoughts on “Wednesday Chats with Stephen at the Go Dog Go Cafe, January 29th

    • Pressfield wrote a brilliant book, without question. It was recommended by a friend a couple of years ago and I finally got to it last summer. As advertised, I would put it first on a recommended reading list for anyone with a creative impulse.

      Have you read any of his other books?

      Liked by 1 person

      • No, not yet but I have Nobody Wants To Read Your Shit and The Artist’s Journey on my bookshelf. I just finished Bird By Bird by Anne Lamott and now I’m on to Annie Dillard’s The Writing Life. So many books, so little time.
        Sigh 💙

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  1. I’m so glad I was led to Go Dog Go Cafe. I hope to get involved in the Tuesday prompt when time permits and, of course, I’ll share on Mondays when the poetry bug hits. I’ve been waiting and watching for new prompts and challenges and it appears I have found both. Thank you!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Hello Stephen, your new initiatives sound like great creative ideas and events for everyone to follow…. hopefully I’ll be able to become more involved soon(my emotional self has been immersed in a sea of heart aches lately)…🌏😊

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