Tuesday Writing Prompt Challenge April 9, 2019

Devereaux Frazier and Beth Amanda are currently hosting the Tuesday Writing Prompt Challenge which was started by our star writer Christine Ray. We hope to offer all of you something that will spark your creativity and willingness to participate.

The prompts are designed to be quick challenges that can be written in 10 to 15minutes,  inspire you creatively, are fun, and get everyone interacting.  Please post your response to the prompt in the comments below and show your fellow posters some love and support.  All members of the Go Dog Go community, including Baristas, are welcome to participate.  Feel free to share this post on your own blogs and/or Facebook.

Today’s prompt:  

Use the phrase “blurred thoughts” in a poem or piece of prose.

Happy writing!

42 thoughts on “Tuesday Writing Prompt Challenge April 9, 2019

  1. Pingback: Profess | Nut House Central

  2. Love from LA and thanks for the opportunity 🙂



    Chato wasn’t sure what to expect. He’d heard the legends almost every weekend. His fists curled into themselves, not quite tight, not ripe to make a punch. Through the sheet that separated him from the rest of the living room guests, he heard the women speaking. Some weeping, some whispering like the noise of ninja stars in mid air. Chato thought about Ernesto and his eyes watered a little. Glancing down to find a tee shirt to wipe his face, Ernesto’s acceptance letter to UCLA reproached him. Chato comforted his pain by scrolling through his phone to call Chino and the crew. No answer. Chato looked up the wall and smiled at Ernesto’s awards. The rage flooded him. In between blurred thoughts, he could not understand how he and Ernesto had survived so much and suddenly cancer took down the person who meant the world to him.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Reblogged this on Megha's World and commented:

    Here is my response to the prompt. Whats’ yours?

    “Your blurred thought wriggling deep in my sullen mind
    making a trail
    a dark alley wherever it goes
    like a worm through the rotten apple
    They say it hurts to be nostalgic
    I say, it lights up the deepest crevices of my soul.”

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Here is my response –>
    “Your blurred thought wriggling deep in my sullen mind
    making a trail
    a dark alley wherever it goes
    like a worm through the rotten apple
    They say it hurts to be nostalgic
    I say, it lights up the deepest crevices of my soul.”

    Liked by 3 people

  5. Pingback: “Remains of The Dead” in response to the Apr.9th,2019 GoDogGo Cafe Word Prompt “Blurred Thoughts” – Starlight and Moon Beams

  6. Pingback: Get Off of My Lawn! – This, That, and The Other

  7. I appreciate the clear instructions that this is supposed to be a spontaneous, quick write–in the Comment Box. I think I was previously confused 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

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