Savior-An ode to poetry-Megha Sood

On the last day of the National Poetry Month, I would like to post an ode to poetry, which is my savior.Hope you all enjoyed taking part in NaPoWriMo as much as I did.

Do leave your thoughts in the comment section and share how poetry has been your savior.

Happy blogging!
Megha Sood

“Poetry heals the wounds inflicted by reason.” 

― Novalis
thought-catalog-478469-unsplash (1).jpg

My poetry keeps me sane.
It demarcates the boundary
between the pleasure and the pain
It saves my soul
savors and protects it
prevents from the debilitating pain
devour it as a whole
My pain morphing
and convulsing
and taking shapes
as it welt and blisters
leaves it everlasting
impressions on my
naked yellow skin
marking its territory
and slowly making its own,

My poetry keeps me sane
It demarcates the boundary and
between the pleasure and the pain
between the ebb and the flow of the
bizarre and the surreal world
my emotions weave around me
swallowing me whole
my life dangling between the
realms of the truth and the reality
a dream, broken to its core

My poetry keeps me sane
It demarcates the boundary and
between the pleasure and the pain
falling into the quicksand
of miseries and anxieties
the ephemeral pain
of losing its identity
slowly and surely
rotting and getting lost
at its pore.

My poetry keeps me sane
it keeps me whole.


Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

20 thoughts on “Savior-An ode to poetry-Megha Sood

  1. I write the odd thing here and there that finds a sort of home under the broad roof of the house that is called poetry. But mainly it’s just words that rhyme a bit and try to stay within the boundaries of a consistent theme. But I don’t really know what poetry is. What separates it from prose?
    This is an honest question.
    What I mean to say is that if I put a piece of prose side by side with a piece of poetry how do I actually tell the difference?
    Is it just me, or do you sometimes feel that poetry may have a tactical advantage over prose in that it can be a bit more oblique? It doesn’t have to conform to the tight rules of the language or to logical explanation.
    If I pick up a piece of prose and it makes no sense to me I can say that it’s just poorly written and the fault is with the author, but if I pick up a piece of poetry and it makes no sense I tend to assume that it’s too complex for my feeble intellect and that the fault belongs with me.
    All that said ….. my own poetry is dreadful, and my prose only marginally better. But I think I am much better at recognising good or bad prose than I am with good or bad poetry.
    Sometimes I think I am being conned by bad poetry.
    So, as I say, somebody needs to explain to me what poetry actually is.
    So that I can recognise it when I see it.

    (please do not take this as a criticism of poetry or poets. I just need more information)

    Liked by 1 person

    • I can understand your confusion between the poetry and prose, and as I’m no expert in the poetry, but in my humble opinion prose does conform to the language structures, its semantics, and syntax, where the free verse poetry sometimes does not adhere to any structure but gives you a more free method of expression.But there are other forms of poetry also which strongly conforms to the structures ( Hikus, Senryu, Sonnets, limericks, Acrostic etc).

      Since a poetry can have multiple interpretations depending on the person reading it. I guess it gives you more freedom of expression. In my humble opinion, if what you are writing is cathartic to you and you are able to pass on the meaning to your readers, you job as a poet is half done.

      Thanks for sharing our thoughts.Much appreciated.


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