Promote a Poet/Writer Thursday, March 25, 2021


Welcome to Promote a Poet/Writer Thursday! This is the day of the week where all members of the Go Dog Go Café Community are invited to introduce a Poet or Writer they enjoy reading.

Participating is really fast and simple- in the comments below, post the link for the Home Page of the Poet/Writer you are introducing to us and tell us briefly why you think they are special.

We encourage all of you to visit these blogs (or social media pages) and get acquainted with some great new writers. You never know who you might meet. . .

Happy reading!

9 thoughts on “Promote a Poet/Writer Thursday, March 25, 2021

  1. Lawrence Ferlinghetti died about a month ago, abut a month short of his 102nd birthday (March 22). He was the reason I started writing poetry back in the late 1960s. If you’re not familiar with this Master Poet and Guru of the Arts, you should do yourself a favor and find out about him. You could start with Wiki HERE.:

    His first book, A Coney Island Of The Mind, was my 1st intro to Ferlinghetti (read my poem “Grace”, below.)

    This video is of The Master reading one of his better-known poems from that volume.

    There’s also a tribute Anthology coming out on May 1st from Jambu Press, and I was lucky enough to have another of my works included there. My poem’s called “Candy” and refers to the candystore poem in the video (also in the Coney Island collection.


    Thank you, father, for all that hash when I was
    just a high schoolboy; and for all those girls,
    their cute little pink feet and silver toe rings
    up on the dashboard, Stones on the radio,
    calico dresses in the wind, tanned legs, hot
    nights, warm flesh, and all those summer
    sunstruck mornings waking up with no idea
    whose house I was in, whose bed,
    and not a second’s thought about how it’s
    only Tuesday, smoky and unknowable.
    Thanks for the moon reflected in windshield
    raindrops, and for midnight mushrooms,
    Day-Glo under blacklight, mescaline boogie,
    acid rock, and acid. But mostly thank you
    for ’68: Danny Riley and his floral necktie
    finishing up his student teaching,
    smiling and handing me books, saying
    Oh man, you should read some Ginsberg, or
    Brautigan, maybe. No; here, I got it.
    For you, Ferlinghetti.

    Liked by 2 people

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