Promote a Poet/Writer Thursday, May 14, 2020


Welcome to Promote a Poet/Writer Thursday! This is the day of the week where all members of the Go Dog Go Café Community are invited to introduce a Poet or Writer they enjoy reading.

Participating is really fast and simple- in the comments below, post the link for the Home Page of the Poet/Writer you are introducing to us and tell us briefly why you think they are special.

We encourage all of you to visit these blogs (or social media pages) and get acquainted with some great new writers. You never know who you might meet. . .

Happy reading!

12 thoughts on “Promote a Poet/Writer Thursday, May 14, 2020

  1. I would like to draw attention to Brendan Joyce, a poet I discovered on Twitter. He has two ebooks available at

    ‘Character Limit’ – “Written live on twitter over four weeks, this collection explores labor, Cleveland pre-gentrification & post-gentrification. This is a digital only edition, available in .epub & .pdf”


    ‘Unemployment Insurance’ – “A collection of my poems since Character Limit, both about the pandemic & about the society it has unmade. The poems are literal Unemployment Insurance, as I have no income.”

    He also has a Patreon:

    I’m sharing his work for not only because I enjoy it, but also because Brendan is currently unemployed due to the pandemic & book sales and Patreon are his only income sources at the moment.


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