Everything You Wanted to Know About Self-Publishing and Micropublishers, But Were Afraid to Ask – Christine Ray


If you don’t know me, I am Christine E. Ray, one of the co-founders of Indie Blu(e) Publishing.  I have had the good fortune over the last year to have two books of my poetry published through small independent presses. Back in September of 2018 as I was working on the manuscript for The Myths of Girlhood, I made an offer to Go Dog Go Cafe readers to try and answer any questions that you might have about self-publishing a book or working with a micro or small press.  I thought my experience as an indie published author and indie publisher would make me a valuable resource.  I was very well-intentioned when I made the offer and planned to write a post answering all your questions in October but well. . . time kind of slipped away from me.  So sorry!

I really am happy to answer your questions and provide any advice or insight that I can provide.  Feel free to chime in below in the comment section with your questions or email me your questions at indieblucollective@gmail.com.  I will write a post no later than next week addressing your questions.

Remember: there are no stupid questions.  If you have a question about self-publishing or publishing with a micropress, I probably had it once upon a time as well as do many of our readers.


11 thoughts on “Everything You Wanted to Know About Self-Publishing and Micropublishers, But Were Afraid to Ask – Christine Ray

  1. this is so very kind of you! i just self published with Amazon and I think I made a mistake. We have had issues from the very beginning. So, here comes your first stupid question, is micropress a place to self publish?

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