Tuesday Writing Prompt Challenge February 12, 2019


Tuesday Writing PromptDevereaux Frazier and Beth Amanda are currently hosting the Tuesday Writing Prompt Challenge which was started by our star writer Christine Ray. We hope to offer all of you something that will spark your creativity and willingness to participate.

The prompts are designed to be quick challenges that can be written in 10 to 15minutes,  inspire you creatively, are fun, and get everyone interacting.  Please post your response to the prompt in the comments below and show your fellow posters some love and support.  All members of the Go Dog Go community, including Baristas, are welcome to participate.  Feel free to share this post on your own blogs and/or Facebook.

Today’s prompt:  

Today I challenge you to write a poem called an “elfchen.”  I was introduced to these little poems by poets on Instagram.  I find them challenging yet fun to write. An elfchen is an 11 word poem written in 5 lines— Line 1=1word,  Line 2=2words,  Line 3=3words, Line 4=4 words,  Line 5 =1 word.  Lines 1 and 5 should not be the same word.  

The fun in this challenge on Instagram is when you are tagged by someone, you must start your poem using that person’s LAST word as your FIRST.  Today I give you 3 elfchens written my me.  You may use the last word of any of the poems to start yours.

Cannot wait to see your brilliance today!!

Beth Amanda


38 thoughts on “Tuesday Writing Prompt Challenge February 12, 2019

  1. Use any of the 3 last words to start your little poems.

    this heart
    in vivid colors
    vibrant dance on canvas

    locking me
    inside your world
    but I break free

    is somewhere
    when my heart
    finds the hand of

    Liked by 5 people

  2. Pingback: An Elfchen – For the Love of

  3. Pingback: Attitude – Writing and Reflections

  4. Pingback: Strange Writing: Elfchen – Everyday Strange

  5. Pingback: Tuesday Writing Prompt Challenge; February 12/ 2019 – Keep it alive

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  7. Pingback: Tuesday Writing Prompt Challenge February 12, 2019 | Go Dog Go Café | The Reluctant Poet

  8. Pingback: Do Not Give Up Hope | DJ Ranch

  9. Pingback: An Elfchen Challenge – A new creation. – Tales from the mind of Kristian

  10. Pingback: Sound of Silence – An Elfchen - Poetry For Healing

  11. Pingback: Diligence – I Write Her

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