Colors of You

colors of autumn

I see you

in all the colors

of autumn brilliance

warm smiles

in buttery yellows

happy laughter

in tangerine corals

deep heated passion

in crimson scarlets

and I let you

wrap me

in glory and happiness

holding me

in the gentle breeze

of love

©MidwestFantasy/Beth Amanda

November 2018


30 thoughts on “Colors of You

  1. Pingback: Filled with Light – MELODIES OF LIGHT

  2. This photo you posted took my breath away- it is just gorgeous. I took the liberty to look up the photo, post it on my website, and then included the link to your post with it so anyone that reads my post can click over to your website and see your beautiful poetry. Thanks for sharing! This was a great moment for me today!

    Liked by 1 person

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