Mission Statement Submission -paensunplugged

Here, right here, I am just me…opinionated, honest, vulnerable, part silly, part playful and perhaps a bit judgemental at times (which I shouldn’t be…working on it). In my life outside WordPress, I am a lot of things to a lot of people, based on their perceptions. So, this blog is mostly about the real me…my feelings, my thoughts, my opinions and my truths. I am discovering more of myself through the written word which is mostly in the form of poetry. This is also my way of connecting with as many people as I can, to touch their lives, to entertain and maybe voice, what they can’t. I do hope my poems speak to you.

I am Punam.

My Mission Statement

Fame and money are wily mistresses
They will try to be the masters of my destiny
I don’t want to have any truck with them
I would rather be a free spirit
Nor do I aspire for the obscurity of a textbook
To be butchered mercilessly for exams
I am happy if I can be your voice
Talking of your routine everyday life
Making you smile and occasionally teary-eyed
So that you when you read my heartfelt words
You exclaim, “By jove! That’s my life!”

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